Users can reset their own VM sessions. Please use the following to do so.
From a Wyse All-In-One
Let us start by powering our Wyse off and back on. Hover on the left side of the screen to pull up our Wyse AIO start menu. Choose “Power” and “Restart”.
After your machine powers back up, sign in.
Once signed in, on the left you will see your available VM’s. If not, open the Wyse AIO Start Menu and click on “VDI Menu” at the top left corner.
Click the “gear” icon next to your VM. This pulls up a menu with the following options:
Connect – This simply connects you to the selected VM.
Logoff – This will log you off the VM session.
ResetVM – This will force the VM to reset instantly. Use this option for frozen/black screen VM sessions.
RestartVM – This is a slower, more graceful restart. Ideal for after updates.
From a Laptop
Close and reopen VMware Horizon Client.
Connect and sign into the server.
Find the VM you need to reset and click the “3 horizontal dot” icon at the lower right corner. You will see the following options:
Launch – This simply connects you to the selected VM.
Logoff – This will log you off the VM session.
Reset Desktop – This will force the VM to reset instantly. Use this option for frozen/black screen VM sessions.
Restart Desktop – This is a slower, more graceful restart. Ideal for after updates.